Elu Development Association, Usa (EDA) – Borehole Water Facility Donated to Elu Community, January 2023

EDA has successfully implemented interim water supply project which includes the installation of the following: borehole, four overhead storage tanks, generator, multiple outlets. EDA will monitor and ensure the continuing functioning of the borehole at no cost to Elu community.

This water supply facility by Udumeze Hall is just the beginning in our effort to improve infrastructure such as water supply, road and sanitation in our community.
EDA plans to launch a Fund-Raising Campaign to assist us in our infrastructure improvement. We need your continuous financial support to achieve our objectives.

People gathered at the Borehole project

This is a picture of the completed Borehole project showing the outlets.


Clean water running out from the tap witnessed by Elu Leaders.


4 overhead Tanks for water storage.